Transit Exil bei altonale im Altonaer Museum

Transit Exil Immigration

From 21.06. – 02.07.2023 in the context of the kunst altonale in the Altonaer Museum, Museumstraße 23, 22765 Hamburg

The video recordings began in 2009, with refugees talking about their flight, their life in transit and their visions of secure living conditions. From 2011 to 2021, portraits were made of young people at the time. Other protagonists from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Ukraine and Russia joined the project. They are all border crossers on the run in order to survive.
The interviews provide insights into very personal experiences, everyday observations and survival strategies. How can one develop perspectives under these experiences? What spaces of movement can be opened up?
One thematic focus is dealing with racist assaults.
The video portraits were shot in a studio-like situation in front of a neutral, gray background.
One starting point of the work is to question the images of foreigners and refugees that prevail in the media and continue to have an effect in the cultural unconscious of former colonial powers, through the subjective perspectives of refugees.

The sound installation, reading from the ‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’ from January 2022 to February 2023, takes place in the entrance hall.
This list documents the data of more than 52,760 people who died on the flight route in Europe between 1993 and mid-2023.

In Cooperation mit UNITED List of Refugee Deaths
UNITED for Intercultural Action – European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees


Solo for a house fly


Where in a four-country farmhouse with its waste from kitchen, yard and stable not a few houseflies, as well as related species lived with the people, today far fewer insects are found. Insect sounds of a single fly, among others, visualize the insect species that are on the decline today.
With kind permission of the Rote-Liste-Zentrums

container außen


2 channel I Blu-ray I 2016

Ein Container ist auf dem Arno-Schmidt-Platz vor der Zentralbibliothek Hamburg aufgestellt. Eine Türöffnung in der Längsseite führt in das bewegte Halbdunkel einer Videoprojektion. Stimmen sind zu hören: von Personen, die zur Kamera blicken und von ihren Erfahrungen in Deutschland, ihren aktuellen Befürchtungen und Hoffnungen sprechen. Was die einzelnen Sprechenden vereint, ist, dass sie geflohen sind, schon vor Jahrzehnten oder erst vor wenigen Monaten – mit Deutschland als Zielpunkt oder Übergangszone. Krieg und Tod, politische Verfolgung, Folter und Entrechtung werden eher angedeutet, ebenso die Wechselfälle der Flucht. Die nacheinander präsentierten einzelnen Erzählungen kreisen vielmehr um den Ort eines Jetzt in individueller Zustandsbestimmung.

with: Jina Alamsha, Sara Alsuleiman Al Nasser, Ibrahim Alsuleiman Al Nasser, Jacklin Arakel, Mohsen Rezai, Mostafa Rezai, Shafiq Hussein Rezai, Heide Sanati

installation demo_lition


1 channel Blu-ray I 3 Monitore I 1 mp 3 I 2011

in cooperation with Claudia Reiche

with Judith Hamann, Carsten Mürau, a builder and a resident

Demolitions are spectacles many passers-by can not drag themselves away from. The video-and audio-installation “demo_lition” uses film-material of demolition sites in Hamburg and interviews with people involved to make you think that tiny bit further.

Passagen Installation


1-Kanal Video I 12min I Blu-ray I 2010

“Passagen – a topography in transit”

Dorothea Carl uses her filmic long-term observations to capture the rough beauty of a remote urban space and the movements of its users. She turns a place of temporary stop-overs into a lively catwalk of the everyday. In her film pedestrians of all nations and religions who live on the Elbinseln and the Veddel turn into flaneurs. Each woman, man, youngster and child who strolls or runs to catch a train to Hamburg’s center or to Harburg turns into a protagonist of the film. Each person entering the scene provides a new story within these filmic observations. Their stories are neither told nor commented on but they become visible in the small gestures and movements that can be read from afar.

z.w. installation

In-between worlds

5-channel-video | 2-channel CD | 2009

Set against a white canvas, women of various ethnic backgrounds give intimate insights into their lives in present day Germany. Their biographies differ strongly: some of them came as refugees, others have parents who came to Germany to study or work.
In-between worlds focuses on the daily conflicts and balancing acts these women face within a multicultural society. In doing so, the film scrutinises the very idea of it.

The installation zwischen welten shows a series of portraits that question life in a multicultural society. The protagonists are:
Zeynep Acar, Betoul Barouni, Hülya Bayram, Elisabeth Becker, Maria Eisenach, Shirin Homann-Saadat, Aysel Kesen, Gwladys Plesch Sanja Qaderi

Zeynep Acar,
Betoul Barouni,
Hülya Bayram,
Elisabeth Becker,
Maria Eisenach,
Shirin Homann-Saadat,
Aysel Kesen,
Gwladys Plesch
Sanja Qaderi

pawlows enkel

pawlow`s grand children”:

2-channel-video | 2008

A survey on human behaviour using animalistic humanization.

Emotional highlights of various Animal-Soap-Sequences on TV. The people who are watching the sequences are shown in a mirrored projection.


off side

2 channel-video | 2006

Images from behind the scene tend to differ from the official coverage of the football world championship: the public places after the celebrations, national symbols out of context, empty streets. A film with statements from:
Residents, sanitation workers, T-Shirt and fan article retailers, tickets vendors, healthfood and flowershop owners, a waitress, an artist, a showmaker, a teacher, a therapist, a retired lady, a hairdresser and totally normal football fans.



1 channel-video | 2004

Cultural Exchange via portraits of cows – from living meat-supply to holy cow

Videoinstallation + IQ-flotation (in cooperartion with Lisl Rapp)


Fairground Women

3 channel- video | 3 – 20min | 2000

Civic nomads between annual fun fairs

On daily life that happens between the constructions and deconstructions of fun fairs such as the “Dom.”’
On growth of their temporary dwellings and the alternating neighbors who know each other inside out.
Peeping through the windows of their caravans, the fun fair actors tell stories about their lives and mobile domiciles.

Ganges an der Elbe

Ganges next to the Elbe

1 Channel | dv | 45min | 2002

Installation about a rowing trip along the river Ganges in Varanasi
